News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Antarctica Day was celebrated by MoES-NCPOR at IISF2024, held at IIT Guwahati. 06-12-2024
2 Ceremonial beginning of the new Ocean Research Vessel under Deep Ocean Mission: The grand event of first cutting of steel for the new ORV by the Chief Guest Dr M. Ravichandran, Secretary MoES at GRSE Kolkota on 29.11.2024 06-12-2024
3 A momentous day at the India International Science Festival (IISF2024) Mega Expo. 06-12-2024
4 NCPOR hosted Prof. Nuno Ferrand, Director of the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO), University of Porto, Portugal, and Prof. Vladimiro Miranda, Associate Director of Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology an 28-11-2024
5 NCPOR welcomed a delegation from the National Academy of Marine Research (NAMR), Taiwan, on 21st November 2024 28-11-2024
6 On the occasion of Samvidhan Diwas, Dr. Thamban Meloth, Director NCPOR, led the NCPOR employees in reading of the Preamble to the Constitution 28-11-2024
7 Congratulations to Dr. Rahul Mohan, Scientist F and Group Director,NCPOR on being conferred prestigious L Rama Rao Birth Centenary Award for his significant contributions in the diverse microfossil groups and for their applications for the year 2024 28-11-2024
8 Result of Students Winter Internship 2024 at NCPOR. 21-11-2024
9 NCPOR hosted the 25th SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee Meeting from November 15–17, 2024. 20-11-2024
10 NCPOR scientists and researchers has embarked its journey from India to participate in the International Antarctic Coastal Circumnavigation Expedition (ICCE) from Brazil 20-11-2024
11 Valedictory ceremony and Prize distribution of the Vigilance Awareness Week 2024, organised at NCPOR 06-11-2024
12 Updates on India’s First Polar and Ocean Museum at NCPOR. 06-11-2024
13 A team from NCPOR and Centre for Earth Sciences and Himalayan Studies (CES&HS) conducted a joint scientific expedition to the Khangri Glacier, ArunachalPradesh 05-11-2024
14 On 30.10.2024, Dr. Thamban Meloth, Director of NCPOR, led the Rashtriya Ekta Divas Pledge 05-11-2024
15 The second batch of the 44ISEA received briefing lectures and firefighting training as part of their induction to Maitri 05-11-2024