News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Celebrations at NPCOR, on international yoga day 2024. 01-07-2024
2 MoU to boost cooperation in polar science and operations during the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. 31-05-2024
3 Press release, India successfully concludes hosting of global high-level meetings on Antarctic affairs. 31-05-2024
4 An outreach event highlighting Antarctic species, created during children’s educational workshop entitled "Species-Rich Antarctica". 24-05-2024
5 The specially designed MyStamp unveiled by Dr M. Ravichandran, Secretary, MOES. 24-05-2024
6 A glimpse of the interaction of HMoES dignitaries at ATCM46. 24-05-2024
7 The grand opening of the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Kochi, India held on 21.05.2024 24-05-2024
8 India welcomes delegates to ATCM46 & CEP26 at Kochi, Kerala from 20-30May, 2024 21-05-2024
9 Voyage to locate hydrothermal vent fields and decipher the tectonic & structural environment of India's polymetallic sulphide exploration area. 13-05-2024
10 Evaluation of scientific proposals for 44th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica (ISEA) 13-05-2024
11 Visit Of the officlas from the National Institute of Hydrography and National hydrographic office, Dehradun. 13-05-2024
12 Celebrate World Earth Day with insights that inspire action. 19-04-2024
13 Listen to Dr. Anil Bhardwaj, Distinguished Professor & Director of Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) - Ahmedabad. 12-04-2024
14 Glimpse of the Inaugural ceremony of the NCPOR's 24th Foundation Day, celebrations held on April 5th, 2024. 10-04-2024
15 Congratulations to Dr. Thamban Meloth, Director of NCPOR, Goa. 10-04-2024