News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Public Lecture on GLOBAL WARMING: THE SCIENCE BEHIND US AND THE CHALLENGES AHEAD by Prof. David S. Chapman on 20/10/2017 at 1600 hrs @ NCAOR 17-10-2017
2 Invited online applications for filling up of Project Scientist B and C posts on contract basis. 29-09-2017
3 Science News: New iceberg calved from Pine Island Glacier 28-09-2017
4 International Polar Week celebrated at NCAOR on 21st September, 2017 to promote polar education among students 25-09-2017
5 Swachhata Hi Seva Commences on 15th September: Come Join us. 16-09-2017
6 Dr Xavier Crosta from France will visit National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research in Goa, India. 11-09-2017
7 Global invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for construction of Polar Research Vessel and the amendment dated 18th Oct. 2017 08-09-2017
8 NCAOR and Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) are organizing a training course on “Quantitative reconstructions and numerical methods for analysis of past climate variability using diatoms” at NCAOR, Goa, 21–24 November 2017 04-09-2017
9 World's largest volcanic range found beneath Antarctic ice 28-08-2017
10 Science News: A new study from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis validates that the central core of the East Antarctic ice sheet should remain stable even if the West Antarctic ice sheet melts. 23-08-2017
11 The 3rd India International Science Festival (IISF) at Chennai, during 13-16 October, 2017 15-08-2017
12 Science News: Antarctic bacterium has one of the biggest proteins ever found 14-08-2017
13 Invites Nominations from Scientists/Researchers for forthcoming IODP expeditions 383 04-08-2017
14 Best Employee Award on the occasion of Foundation Day Function at MoES 01-08-2017
15 Dr. Parmanand Sharma has been awarded with the prestigious Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Contributions in Polar Sciences-2017 by MoES 01-08-2017