News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 38-Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica-Call for research proposals 09-03-2018
2 Invites Nominations from Scientists/Researchers for forthcoming IODP expeditions 385 26-02-2018
3 Ivan Papanin met with an accident close to Bharati Station 07-02-2018
4 Dr. Shiv Mohan Singh, an Indian Scientist from NCAOR and Associate Professor, BHU Varanasi is participating in expedition-374 as Biologist/ Microbiologist onboard Joides Resolution 06-02-2018
5 Call for Scientific Project Proposals under Himalayan Cryospheric Observations and Modelling (HiCOM) 2017-2020 (FY): Last Date: 14/02/2018 15-01-2018
6 List of screened in candidates for the post of Project Scientists C & B 05-01-2018
7 List of screened- in candidates for the post of Project Scientist-B(Advt No: NCAOR/77/16) 15-12-2017
8 Advt.No: NCAOR/77/17 for the posts of Project Scientist C and B 13-12-2017
9 Science News: Algae could feed and fuel planet with aid of new high-tech tool 08-12-2017
10 Science News: Atmospheric trace gases support primary production in Antarctic desert surface soil 08-12-2017
11 List of Selected Candidates for dissertation at NCAOR for Winter Session 20-11-2017
12 Science News: Heat source under West Antarctica 08-11-2017
13 Science News: Greenhouse gas concentrations surge to new record 01-11-2017
14 E-Integrity Pledge 25-10-2017
15 Prof. David S. Chapman, Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah delivered an engrossing talk @NCAOR on 20-Oct-2017 23-10-2017